But in my recent day alone with God, the Holy Spirit impressed upon my heart the following two Bible passages, both in II Timothy 3 – 3:12 states, “Indeed, all who desire to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted,” and 3:1 says, “But understand this, that in the last days there will come times of difficulty.”

It’s not heads or tails, will we be persecuted? It’s, we will be persecuted!
Have you ever asked yourself the question, “Why does it seem we are always persecuted?” Jesus, you told us they will hate us because they hated you. I shake my head and say to myself, “Why this attitude that I shouldn't expect persecution,

that ‘surely, when we became Christians, we were inoculated with a special serum that prevents this deadly disease from affecting us.’ Am I living under a rock? Don't I believe what your word says? Is there a reason why I shouldn’t expect head on collisions with the enemy – broken glass, sheared metal, blood, death?”
Satan laughs at the “World Wrestling Federation” spectacles that go on in churches between believers, which at times lead to divisions. Life gets difficult. We need more strength from God in these times and to not rely on our own steroids (What strength enhancing methods do you use?).
My first thought after God impressed II Timothy 3:1 on my mind was, “Why do I believe my street address is in Disneyland, that I won't meet up with the enemy at every other street corner, that I might as well give up because it's too hard, that I would rather slide back under the covers and not get out of bed, because I am too tired to face the bogey man?”
We cannot fight these battles on our own strength (unless we enjoy being a punching bag for the enemy) but have to rely on God's strength to get us through the difficult times. Don't throw in that towel. Don't give up. Never say die. Be strong and courageous (See Deuteronomy 31:6,8.). There will be – not there might be – difficult times.
Buck up, camper. Maybe we need to stop using God's armor for defense only and do some attacking, overcoming acedia in this area of our lives. “Persecution, schmersecution.” “Difficulty, schmifficulty." Deal with it.
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