I thought I would concentrate on looking at Bible passages during my mid-month blog.
There seems to be a need to dig a little deeper into The Word since acedia sets in in the church when it comes to reading and studying God’s word, too.
This year I am studying the English Standard Version of the Bible for the first time, so the text comes from this translation.
Genesis 10:8 says, “Cush fathered Nimrod; he was the first on earth to be called a mighty man.” I want my first grandson named Nimrod!
What is it to be a mighty man?
How can one be a mighty man for God?
What do I need to do to become a mighty man?
In what areas might I be a mighty man, and in what areas am I lacking?
How about you, are you in for this mighty man stuff?
A Mighty Man: faithful, quality quiet time, study the word, involved in ministry, staying in shape, eating better ("Watch the sweets," for me.), reading (all kinds of genres, stay out of the Christian-book-only trap -- get an insight wherever you can), TV viewing (no filth . . . which means there is little or nothing on . . .), organizational, disciplined (the spiritual kind), see the big picture, help my sons financially (no enabling, please), pastor to pastors (seems to be my niche, right now, and they need it), U.S. missions (across the street first, then across the ocean), good work-ethic, healthy (Get to the gym.), where God wants me to be, honest, and a man of integrity.
How are you doing? (You could also be a mighty woman for God!)
I was thinking then, the opposite of being a Mighty Man of God would be a Midget Man: conditional love (I am good at this.), husband (back seat to career), father (when I have time), encourager (what mercy?), controlling (power), lost friends (Do I know any?), saved friends (I have to many.), offensive, demanding, prideful (selfishness is king), stubborn (sounds like OT Israelites), self-seeking (Hey I can be on the main stage.), too negative at times (negativism, it’s all around us), think the worst at times (the Obama bailout package), work too much (workaholics are kings), not enough relax time (Vacation, what’s that?), condemning of others not on same page with me (I have all the right answers.), not enough of a disciple at times (a life long learner).
Let me hear you. Are you a man or mouse? Are you a Midget Man/Woman or a Mighty Man/Woman of God? The only way I know I can even attempt to be a Mighty Man is if my God is Mighty. Let’s take Him out of the Cracker Jack box. He is not some toy, but the King of the Plant. We can only be Mighty through His Power!
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