Sunday, April 1, 2012

“Decisionism” ~ What’s That?

Have you ever attended an evangelistic crusade type event ( where at the end of the message the speaker has people raise their hands or come down front if they want to engage in a personal relationship with Jesus Christ? The “sinner’s prayer” has been a popular conversion plan with many religious groups. The only problem is . .  . can you find that approach in your Bible? Have you ever made that decision?

Have you ever been in a church when a person comes forward at the “altar call” and wants to be baptized into Christ for the forgiveness of their sins and to receive the gift of the Holy Spirit? Sure enough, they come up out of the water cleansed and ready to start a new life with Christ. Is that it? They are now a disciple of Christ or did they just get wet? Have you ever made that decision?   

"Decisionism" (you have decided to accept Jesus) rather than "Dicipleship" (you are a lifelong learner who becomes more like Him). I believe what we have done in many movements for too long is to get “decisions.” The Bible never addresses or commands us to do this but instead exhorts us to make disciples. “Christianity without discipleship is always Christianity without Christ. It remains an abstract idea, a myth which has a place for the Fatherhood of God, but omits Christ as the living Son. … There is trust in God, but no following of Christ.” – Dietrich Bonhoeffer

The negative evidence of “decisionism” is rampant. Why do you think there is not much difference between a “Christian” and “NonChristian” when it comes to one’s lifestyle and the choices that are made?  Why are so many people going right out the back doors of our churches after they make a “decision” for Jesus? One of the reasons might be that we aren’t making disciples. How are we doing as disciples? Are we lifelong learners, or like most, have we arrived at a point where not anyone (including the Holy Spirit) can teach us much about anything? 

“One more point: focusing youth events, retreats, and programs on persuading people to make a decision disarms the Gospel, distorts numbers, and diminishes the significance of discipleship.” - The King Jesus Gospel by Scott McKnight
The Bible never speaks about getting decisions. So let’s start making more disciples, who in turn disciple others. That’s called being a discipler. If this happens exponentially, Christ will be able to change the world again through His Bride, the church. Hey, Easter Sunday would be a gr eat day to adopt the Biblical command and lifestyle of Making Disciples!

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