Monday, February 3, 2014

Hard Words   

The single sentence that blarred through the radio signal from almost a quarter-million miles from the Earth sounded simple, even routine “Houston, ‘we’ve got a problem. Hard words: “your fired”, not married; “I am pregnant”, “we are getting a divorce”, “I am gay”.  What would be hard words for us to hear? I am sure we have all heard “hard words” at one time or another in our lives. Our heart beat increases, our sweat glands go on red alert, we watch as our tear drops explode on the floor, anger and rage may start to rule the day. Sometimes these “hard words” we hear may cause us to consider whether we should continue in this relationship or not. Jesus often times said some things in the Bible that would cause those that heard them to pause, ponder and then decide to stick with it or hit the road to Samaria. 

John 6:60, 67-69 states, "On hearing it, many of his disciples said, "This is a hard teaching. Who can accept it?.... "You do not want to leave too, do you?" Jesus asked the twelve. Simon Peter answered him, "Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life. We have come to believe and to know that you are the Holy One of God." After Jesus makes the statement, “You do not want to leave too, do you”, I wonder what the thought process was inside the heads of the disciples before Peter answered? Who is to say that Peter spoke for everyone with his Biblically correct answer? Have we ever answered correctly but in our hearts we weren’t 100% sure of our answer maybe not even 50% sure?

He does not promise ease and comfort on this earth. On the contrary, he promises hardship and difficulty. He promises persecution and rejection. He will tell us that if we really took him seriously, if we really obeyed his commands and followed his teaching, then friends will abandon us, family will hate us, and the world may prefer to kill us. Are we willing to follow Him after hearing more “hard words”? How have you been persecuted by following Christ? What have you given up after hearing and obeying His “hard words”?

It is interesting in the Great Commission the easiest part of being a Disciple of Christ is to be baptized. How much persecution did you suffer when you went down into the water? Probably none (oh I know some of you are thinking that water was awfully cold), it’s the coming up out of the water and learning all about Jesus and how to follow Him that’s challenging. That could be possibly one of the most shocking thing you have discovered in your life. Jesus didn’t say anything about it being hard to go to church and pray and study the Bible. In fact those are pretty “wimpy commands”. Let’s face it, if those things are challenging someone didn’t teach you about what being married to Jesus for life was going to be about, sad!

Can you imagine a modern day someone that would be really hard to follow. Just watch Inside Edition sometime, you could pick someone. How about Justin Bieber?  Of course we could take the really hard way to follow someone, just become a twitter follower, not much commitment there. It really is hard sometimes to follow Christ, but we have to remember, He is the Holy One of God. There is no one else we could ever pick to follow that would give us the protection and rewards that Jesus provides. Give us the strength to follow your ways no matter what hardships may come. Life in heaven for and eternity makes any “hard words” form Jesus well worth it.