Hebrews 1:4 explains that angels are spiritual beings created by God and are under his authority. They also help carry out God's work on earth by bringing God's messages to people ( Luke 1:26, Revelation 14:6-12, etc.), protecting God's people (Daniel 6:22, Matthew 18:10, etc.), offering encouragement (Genesis 16:7ff.), giving guidance (Exodus 14:19), carrying out punishment
(II Samuel 24:16), patrolling the earth (Zechariah 1:9-14), and fighting the forces of evil (II Kings 6:16-18, Revelation 20:1-2).
Most, if not all, of their duties take place in the spiritual realm. Because of all the descriptions here of what angels do, is it any wonder that we have images in our heads of angels as mighty warriors fighting for God’s Kingdom? They are very active, even though we don’t physically see them (or maybe we have), their presence to the enemies' forces would be unmistakable. Don’t you wish you could see into that spiritual realm and witness this war going on? Maybe not!
The angels are ministering spirits who are sent from God to care for those who will receive salvation. How many times have we heard stories of miraculous proportions about someone who, all of a sudden, has miraculous powers to come to the rescue in a certain instance or situation? Some of us might believe that this could be a case of being “touched by an angel”? Or on a person’s death bed an angel appears to usher them into the presence of God. There seem to be many examples in our lives of possible angel sightings.
The first chapter in Hebrews does address the subject of people worshipping angels with more dedication an appeal than they were worshipping God. Why such a big deal? Angels were hot back then and today they seem to have lost some of that emphasiss Angels bring messages to us. Should I be seeking a message from an angel?
Angels protect us. Should I expect and be praying for more protection? Realizing that angels are present all around us, give us encouragement, give guidance, one wonders how is all this possible? Should we be asking them for guidance? As they carry out punishment, patrol the earth, fight the forces of evil, they are involved in all forms of warfare on our behalf. Why shouldn’t we put more emphasis on our “guardian angels”? I can see why it would be so easy to get trapped into thinking these angles are worth our worship. However, the angels' purpose is to serve while Christ's purpose is to reign. Amen.
At that same time we shouldn’t ignore this aspect of God’s plan as well. When we feel unloved or forgotten, we should remind ourselves that the angels are always there ministering to us. Because of God's love toward us, He dispatches His angels to help us out. I probably don't realize or comprehend it enough that those of us that will be saved probably actually do have guardian angels all around us. How awesome is that? As much trouble as I get into, sometimes there are probably a whole legion that follow me around.
There are many questions that swirl around in my mind concerning this topic. Lord, does you Holy Spirit use angels all around us as a way of ministering to meet our every need? Lord, should I be seeking, looking for, or asking for more assistance at times from your angels? Lord, how many angels surround me? Lord, do the angels assigned to me have names? How long, Lord, have these angels been with me? Do they come and go depending on the assignments you give them? Lord, can we pray for you to send more angels to others, not only for protective purposes? Should we be praying for signs, given to us through angels?
I am so thankful, Lord, that you do send ministering spirits to assist us, your children. Help me to be more conscious of their presence, and possibly appearances. If I need to learn more about these ministering spirits, Lord, please make it evident to me. Thank youfor all the times these angels have assisted me and will continue to assist me in the future. Help me overcome my acedia by being more aware of the spiritual realm that we are all involved with. Help me to hear the bells around me this Christmas season, as it might be an indication that another angel (It’s A Wonderful Life) just got his wings. Do angels have wings?

The angels are ministering spirits who are sent from God to care for those who will receive salvation. How many times have we heard stories of miraculous proportions about someone who, all of a sudden, has miraculous powers to come to the rescue in a certain instance or situation? Some of us might believe that this could be a case of being “touched by an angel”? Or on a person’s death bed an angel appears to usher them into the presence of God. There seem to be many examples in our lives of possible angel sightings.
The first chapter in Hebrews does address the subject of people worshipping angels with more dedication an appeal than they were worshipping God. Why such a big deal? Angels were hot back then and today they seem to have lost some of that emphasiss Angels bring messages to us. Should I be seeking a message from an angel?

At that same time we shouldn’t ignore this aspect of God’s plan as well. When we feel unloved or forgotten, we should remind ourselves that the angels are always there ministering to us. Because of God's love toward us, He dispatches His angels to help us out. I probably don't realize or comprehend it enough that those of us that will be saved probably actually do have guardian angels all around us. How awesome is that? As much trouble as I get into, sometimes there are probably a whole legion that follow me around.
There are many questions that swirl around in my mind concerning this topic. Lord, does you Holy Spirit use angels all around us as a way of ministering to meet our every need? Lord, should I be seeking, looking for, or asking for more assistance at times from your angels? Lord, how many angels surround me? Lord, do the angels assigned to me have names? How long, Lord, have these angels been with me? Do they come and go depending on the assignments you give them? Lord, can we pray for you to send more angels to others, not only for protective purposes? Should we be praying for signs, given to us through angels?
I am so thankful, Lord, that you do send ministering spirits to assist us, your children. Help me to be more conscious of their presence, and possibly appearances. If I need to learn more about these ministering spirits, Lord, please make it evident to me. Thank youfor all the times these angels have assisted me and will continue to assist me in the future. Help me overcome my acedia by being more aware of the spiritual realm that we are all involved with. Help me to hear the bells around me this Christmas season, as it might be an indication that another angel (It’s A Wonderful Life) just got his wings. Do angels have wings?