Why were their contributions more than enough to complete the project, but we seem to never have enough to complete our projects? When is the last time you received an appeal letter that said, “Please do not send any more resources, we have more than enough"? You have never received a letter from NPEA like that!
Did the Israelites have more than enough because it was something God directly told them to do? Doesn’t God tell us to take care of the poor and widows? Maybe there is too much clamoring in our ears and we can’t really hear God
. Or do we get into these games where we justify that it was something He told us to do, when, in reality, it wasn't what He told us to do at all? Maybe the voice whispering in our ear has a human face? Can we assume there are not enough resources because we simply are not investing in what God would want us to? How can we discern whether it is God speaking to us or other noisy parties? What else can we do besides pray, read the bible, seek counsel, fast, have extended periods of intensive prayer, and be better listeners, to know God’s timing, to determine it is His voice?
So why doesn’t NPEA, or for that matter, why don't Bible colleges, churches, missionaries, Christian radio stations, disaster recovery programs, etc., have more than enough? Is it because of a lack of listening to God's voice? Is it because some of these ministries should consolidate? Is it because we don’t have a generous spirit? Is it because some of these ministries should close? Is it because we are not committed to follow through, once we hear His voice?
I once said to God, “If you are the owner of the cattle on a thousand hills, why don’t you sell some and give me the cash?”
If He provides for all my needs, maybe some of my needs might be wants? Or you could play the good, better, best card in terms of what to support with His money. Did we create the shortage, or did He?
I am riding on my ox-driven cart with a choice load of lumber for the temple. My son is sitting next to me as we pull up to the unloading zone. And Moses is in charge of shipping and receiving. My son and I hear over a loudspeaker the voice of Moses, “We don’t need any more materials. You all have brought more than enough!” May we be challenged by their grateful generosity in overcoming acedia, that we could be halted because we were “doing more than enough”!

So why doesn’t NPEA, or for that matter, why don't Bible colleges, churches, missionaries, Christian radio stations, disaster recovery programs, etc., have more than enough? Is it because of a lack of listening to God's voice? Is it because some of these ministries should consolidate? Is it because we don’t have a generous spirit? Is it because some of these ministries should close? Is it because we are not committed to follow through, once we hear His voice?
I once said to God, “If you are the owner of the cattle on a thousand hills, why don’t you sell some and give me the cash?”
If He provides for all my needs, maybe some of my needs might be wants? Or you could play the good, better, best card in terms of what to support with His money. Did we create the shortage, or did He?
I am riding on my ox-driven cart with a choice load of lumber for the temple. My son is sitting next to me as we pull up to the unloading zone. And Moses is in charge of shipping and receiving. My son and I hear over a loudspeaker the voice of Moses, “We don’t need any more materials. You all have brought more than enough!” May we be challenged by their grateful generosity in overcoming acedia, that we could be halted because we were “doing more than enough”!